Currently we are living in uncertain times.
Although certainty can be just an illusion
We want to do more than just weather these times
Let’s embrace the uncertainty
Walking along with Paul
Was imprisoned at least 3 times
Faced anxiety, uncertainty, and hardship
We explored yesterday the mindset of Paul during uncertain times
He was resilient
He was thoughtful
He was surrendered
Today, let’s look at his prayer life in uncertain times
Daily Text: Ephesians 3:14-20
Key Points:
Paul’s focus is upward and outward not inward
His thoughts are on the spiritual well being of those he loves
That they are strengthened by the Spirit
That they can understand the un-understandable
That they are filled
Paul magnifies the Father
in uncertain times it’s much too easy to make God SMALL
Thought Questions
This week my prayer life could be described as:
When I am praying for others is it for earthly relief or spiritual power?
Am I giving in to anxiety or trusting God?
What is one change you could make to your prayer life to grow healthier?
Do I need to be more organized?
More intentional and thoughtful?
Am I rushing through as quickly as possible?
A Little Extra: Memory verse for the day
Colossians 4:2-6